Under revision with the Proceedings of the Royal Society – B: Forbes, E.S., Dunkin Dana D., Mantas J.M., Schimel J., Young T.P., Young H.S. Large herbivores influence soil carbon cycling as engineers of savanna tree canopy coverage.
Forbes, E., Benenati, V., Frey, S., Hirsch, M., Koech, G., Lewin, G., et al. (2023). Fluxbots: A method for building, deploying, collecting and analyzing data from an array of inexpensive, autonomous soil carbon flux chambers. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128, e2023JG007451. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JG007451
featured as an editor's highlight in EOS: "An Open and Inexpensive 'Fluxbot' for Measuring Soil Respiration", July 2023
Miller-ter Kuile, Ana, Apigo A., Bui A., Butner K., Childress J. N., Copeland S., DiFiore B., Forbes E. S., Klope M., Motta C. I., Orr D., Plummer K. A., Preston D. L., Young H. 2022. Changes in invertebrate food web structure between high and low productivity environments are driven by intermediate but not top-predator diet shifts. Biology Letters 18: 20220364. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2022.0364
Miller-ter Kuile, Ana, Apigo A., Bui A., DiFiore B., Forbes E. S., Lee M., Orr D., Preston D. L., Behm R., Bogar T., Childress J., Dirzo R., Klope M., Lafferty Kevin D., McLaughlin J., Morse M., Motta C., Park K., Plummer K., Weber D., Young R., Young H. 2022. Predator-prey interactions of terrestrial invertebrates are determined by predator body size and species identity. Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3634
Forbes E.S., Adams A.J., Brown K.C., Colby J.C., Denny S.M., Hardesty-Moore M., Heilmayr R., Hiroyasu E.H.T., Martin J., Miljanich C., Tyrrell B.P., Welch Z., Anderson S.E., Cooper S.D., Kendall B.E., Alagona P.S. Analogies in a no-analog world: Reintroducing lost species in the Anthropocene. Trends in Ecology and Evolution: Science and Society. doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2020.04.005
Forbes, E.S., Cushman J.H., Burkepile D.E., Young T.P., Klope M., Young H.S. (2019). Synthesizing the effects of large, wild herbivore exclusion on ecosystem function. Functional Ecology 33(9): 1597-1610. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13376
Lafferty, KD, JP McLaughlin, DS Gruner, TA Bogar, A Bui, JN Childress, M Espinosa, ES Forbes, CA Johnston, M Klope, A Miller-ter Kuile, M Lee, KA Plummer, DA Weber, RT Young, HS Young. (2018). Secondary extinction of Asian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) following rat eradication on Palmyra Atoll. Biology Letters. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2017.0743.
Forbes, E.S., Miller ter Kuile A., Orr D., Titcomb G. (2016). Navigating the cascades of circumstance: an ecologist reflects on the unexpected twists and turns that shaped his scientific career. Science. 352(6289): 1062. DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf7138
Forbes, E.S., Kordell T., Joyce F., Visalli M., Morse M., McCauley D. 2019. River Plastic Pollution: Considerations for addressing the leading source of marine debris. The Benioff Ocean Initiative. https://www.boi.ucsb.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/River_Plastic_Pollution_BOI_white_paper.pdf
Forbes, Elizabeth. "Biodiversity and ecosystem function: How experimental large herbivore loss influences savanna carbon dynamics." Ecological Society of America meeting. August 2022.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Caylor K., Schimel J., Young T. P., Young H. S. “Wild robots: Developing DIY technology to investigate soil carbon flux in a long-term, landscape-scale, large herbivore exclosure experiment in a central Kenya savanna”. Ecological Society of America meeting. Aug. 2020.
Forbes, Elizabeth, McCullough I., Alagona P. “The reintroduction gap: The past, present, and future of the California grizzly bear.” Western Section of the Wildlife Society annual meeting. Yosemite National Park, Feb. 8th, 2019.
Forbes, Elizabeth. "Connecting above and below: The effects of large herbivore loss & pastoralism on savanna carbon dynamics". Ecological Society of America meeting. Oral presentation, OOS 46: Cascading Effects of Large Mammalian Herbivores in Terrestrial Systems: Community-, Ecosystem- & Landscape-Level Consequences. Friday, Aug. 11, 2017.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Caylor K., Schimel J., Hirsch M., Young H. S., Young T. P. “Animal, vegetable, mineral: Identifying the indirect effects of large vertebrate herbivores and land use on carbon cycling in a Kenyan savanna ecosystem.” American Geophysical Union meeting, Dec. 10, 2019.
Presented by Caylor, Kelly, coauthors Forbes E., Lewin G., Hirsch M. “Reimagining high-resolution ecosystem monitoring with low-cost autonomous sensing”. American Geophysical Union meeting, Dec. 10, 2018.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Caylor K., Schimel J., Young T., Young H. “Connecting above and below: The effects of large herbivore loss and pastoralism on savanna carbon dynamics”. Ecological Society of America meeting. Invited presentation, organized oral session 46: Cascading Effects of Large Mammalian Herbivores in Terrestrial Systems: Community-, Ecosystem-, and Landscape-Level Consequences. Aug 11, 2017.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Schimel J., Young T.P., Young H.S. “Connecting above and below: The impacts of large wildlife loss and pastoralism on savanna carbon dynamics”. American Geophysical Union meeting. Dec. 12, 2016.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Giblin A., Sievert S., Thomas F., Thomas S., Cardon Z. “The role of Spartina Alterniflora in delivering O2 deep into salt marsh sediments” at the 2014 Ecological Society of America meeting. Sacramento CA, Aug. 10-15.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Giblin A., Sievert S., Thomas F., Thomas S., Cardon Z. “Planar optodes reveal that light intensity aboveground affects the balance of oxygen supply and demand around Spartina alterniflora roots deep in salt marsh sediments”. 2014 Plum Island LTER conference, Woods Hole MA.
Forbes, Elizabeth, Giblin A., Sievert S., Thomas F., Thomas S., Cardon Z. “Oxygen Probe: Non-destructive, quantitative measurements of oxygen concentration in salt marsh sediments using a planar optode”. 2013 Plum Island LTER conference, Woods Hole MA
Forbes, Elizabeth, Heise-Pavlov S., “Behavioral Responses of Lumholtz’s Tree Kangaroo to Native & Non-Native Predators: predator odor detection in Dendrolagus lumholtzi”. Ecological Society of America meeting. Aug. 5-10, 2012.